My beloved daughter, and only child, turned 34 on October 9. Her birthday took me back to 1985 when I worked in telecom. Exciting times - expanding service from 13 cable channels, i.e. the networks, HBO, CNN, Nickelodeon, ESPN and C-SPAN to an unbelievable 400-450 MHZ bandwidth of up to 60 channels. Okay, so I’m dating myself (and loving it!).
I like to think that I have evolved with technology, but that’s relative. My friend Linda spends about 2 hours a day with Apple Tech Support. She is frustrated by technology and believes she will never understand it. Meanwhile, advances continue at unprecedented speeds. The bottom line is learning that we have a choice in how we react to change. When choice is partnered with discernment, the optimal position unfolds in all that matters.
Web Portals. We experience them every day in one form or another, e.g. Amazon for online shopping or connecting to medical records at the doctor’s office. If you are not currently using a marketing portal for work, it may be time to explore the possibilities. A recent blog, The Marketing Manager’s Migraine Relief outlined the benefits of marketing asset portals.
The Daniels Group thinks strategically about marketing portal performance, long beyond implementation. Continuously pushing the envelope sharpens our focus and creates cost savings in labor and materials. Our recommendations are made with the intent to make the client look good - not just in print - but on the bottom line. One of our clients once told our Project Manager, “you added 2 cents to our company’s dividend.” It’s like modulating the frequencies on a spectrum to create clearer signals.
The biggest block to change (and launching a portal) is fear – that prickly part of the human element. Some worry that change like this could negatively affect their image, e.g. exposing time and money wasted by doing things the old way.
OK. This is where together we take deep breaths, let go of that feeling and prepare for the future (think digital vs. analog TV). From this clearer place, discernment will guide your choice. Marketing Asset Portals are not for every company. However, it’s better to have explored the choice and reached a clear conclusion than to waste time and energy wondering.
For more information or a demo, contact David Griffiths, 828-277-8253.